To record a match:
Simply, before joining, replace the intended level's red.scr file with a modified red.scr file that will record a mutlipler game to the CE error.log text file located in c:\
Level numbers are:
Name:No mans land Val:128
Name:Breakpoint Val:129
Name:The palace Val:130
Name:Carrier war Val:131
Name:The airbase Val:132
Name:Fever valley Val:248
Name:Fortress Val:133
E.g. to record a No Man's Land match navigate to the ce\level128 directory and replace red.scr with the one that came with the CE Replay Tool.
NB The red.scr file only needs to be updated/installed on the client PC logging the game.
Then play, kill, win. When finsihed, quit CE, run the CEReplayTool.exe and load c:\error.log.
Thats it.
Enjoy finding out where that darn team-mate went off to at a critical moment.
Technical support is not provided so don't ask
Original map textures cannot redistributed with this program, so dont ask for them either.
Here are some examples of the CE Log Replay Tool:

In the bottom e.g. this shows the entire track in an hour long 3vs3 fortress map.

To get the CE Log Replay Program click here (linked updated 21 dec 2011)
Hey Dafoosa,
Long time CE player here (CE_Digger) trying to host a dedicated server with more than 16 players. I have tried every way I can think of, but the instructions included in the readme don't work. Is 30 players really possible on dedicated? Thanks!
ce.exe v141 and greater appear to be updated for 30 players. However lobby.exe is still applying a 16 player limit. You could try hex editing lobby.exe on the dedicated server at file offset $b561 and increase the value here from 16 to 31. Im not sure if you will have to update each client as well; hopefully not.
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